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  • St. Luke - Iraklio Attica


The parochial Caritas of Agios Loukas in Iraklio, Attica operates regularly, under the supervision and guidance of the priest Fr. Andreas Voutsinos and a group of ten volunteers of the parish, who offer their services to various fields of action, in the framework of social and philanthropic support to our parishioners who are in need.

Its income comes from:

  • Money donations from parishioners all year round
  • Love envelopes (Christmas & Easter)
  • Revenue from the Christmas bazaar
  • Donations made on the All Souls’ Day and Good Friday, as well as blessings of gravestones during the year




Every Monday, the parishioners who wish to offer food with long shelf life, clothing, toys and other items, which are delivered and arranged by the two people in charge and are then provided to families of the parish who are in need.


  • People from the parochial Caritas visit sick or lonely people keeping them company.
  • Visits are also scheduled to the two retirement homes of our Archdiocese, the “Good Samaritan” and the “Holy Cross” [Timios Stavros], where a meal or tea and live music are provided twice a year.
  • Last year, for the first time, a visit was scheduled to the “Good Samaritan”. With a lot of fun, members of the parochial Caritas, young people as well as parishioners sang the carols with the accompaniment of instruments and gave every senior a small gift, in order to spread the message of the New Year.
  • Visits are also scheduled to the Sisters of Carmel, where money and food are offered.
  • Last, a volunteer from our parochial Caritas visits the residents of the “Good Samaritan” retirement home and entertains them, having created a choir.


  • Our parochial Caritas provides Caritas Athens’ Refugee Program a sum of money monthly, courtesy of the parishioners, for the soup kitchen.
  • In addition, food with long shelf life, clothing, blankets, toys and other useful items are regularly sent, whereas on the All Souls’ Day a sum of 1,230€ was gathered and milk for the refugee families was bought, as well as 480 more cartons of long-life milk.
  • A large volume of clothing was delivered to a Catholic parish in Skodra, Albania.
  • The Adolescents-Youth group of the parish visited the Sisters of Calcutta and offered food on behalf of Caritas for their soup kitchens.
  • Moreover, food, clothing, toys and blankets were provided to Caritas “Divine Providence” of the Exarch of Byzantine Rite, whereas thanks to Fr. Andreas’ intervention, school supplies were offered to 40 children of the Exarch’s area for all the school year by donors.



The priest Fr. Andreas visits the women’s prison in Thiva every month together with the Sisters of Mercy. The parochial Caritas offered shoes to the children who live together with their incarcerated mothers.



A member of our team, has been coordinating and cooperating closely with the Primary School of the Greek-French School “Saint Joseph” in Pefki for the last 7 years, in order to organize a “Voluntary Blood Drive” twice a year. Thanks to this action, approximately 60-70 bottles of blood are gathered, a gift of life and love to those who need it.



The parochial Caritas endorses summer vacation, as well as other activities for children and adolescents.



The parochial Caritas actively participates in the various programs both of Caritas Hellas and Caritas Athens, such as:


 “I love and I offer”

Every month 5 families with financial problems are given a super market voucher of 40€ to buy food, a sum up to 50€ to pay a part of a Services of General Interest (DEKO) bill, as well as 50€ to pay a part of the medicine bill.


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Caritas Athens is a Non-Profit Organization (NGO) which has been recognized as such by the state, and is a member of Caritas Hellas (a branch of Caritas Europa and of Caritas Internationalis, the philanthropic organizations of the Catholic Church, which play an active role in over 165 countries worldwide)

Contact Information

Caritas Athens
9, Omirou str. 106 72 Athens
Tel. / Fax: (+30) 210 3626 186
Εmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 16.00

Sector Refugee Programme
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel.: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
Fax: 210 5246 646
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Working hours:
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00

Help Center
52, Kapodistriou str. 104 32 Athens
Tel: (+30) 210 5246 637 & (+30) 210 5249 564
e-mail: socialservices@caritasathens.gr 
Monday to Friday: 08.00 – 16.00 (after appointment)

Caritas Athens Greece © 2019 All rights reserved.